This will allow you to create a brand new settlement at a location that does not have one. This is done through the Creation Kit for Fallout 4
Workshop Boundary
Start off by going to the location in the Creation Kit where you would like to add your Workshop. Load it into your Render Window.
You can turn on Cell Boundaries by pressing Ctrl+B.
Once we've found our location we need to add a handful of objects to this Cell.
Under your objects window. Go to Filter and type in 'EmptyTrigger' you need a 'DefaultEmptyTrigger' which can be found under the 'WorldObjects' branch.

Drag that into your Render window, press '2' to scale it and make it as large as your settlement.\nHere's how mine looks:

Under your objects window. Go to Filter and type in 'MapMarker' you need a 'MapMarker' which can be found under the 'WorldObjects' branch.

Drag / drop that sucker in and edit the properties.
Do the following to the properties:

Workshop Border
This one isn't super important, because it will never show up properly. What you can do is grab any of the pre-made borders from the Object window.
Under your objects window. Go to Filter and type in 'WorkshopBorder'' you need any 'WorkshopBorder' which can be found under the 'WorldObjects' branch.

The Airport one is pretty square, so I'll use that.
Drag / drop it in. Here's how our render window looks:

Workshop Resource Container
Under your objects window. Go to Filter and type in 'WorkshopResourceContainerSettlement' you need the 'WorkshopResourceContainerSettlement' which can be found under the 'WorldObjects' branch.
Drag / Drop that into your render window.
Here's how it looks:

Workshop Set Owned Trigger
Under your objects window. Go to Filter and type in 'WorkshopSetOwnedTrigger' you need the 'WorkshopSetOwnedTrigger' which can be found under the 'WorldObjects' branch.
Drag / Drop that into your render window. Make it about as big as the DefaultEmptyTrigger border we made earlier on.

XMarker Heading Center
Now we're going to add the xMarker Heading. This is going to go in the center of your settlement.
Under your objects window. Go to Filter and type in 'XMarkerHeading' you need the 'xMarkerHeading' which can be found under the 'WorldObjects' branch.
You're going to edit the XMarker and add the following: Add the reference name of 'XMarkerHeadingMySettlementNameCenter'

If done properly:

XMarker Heading for Settlement Name
Now we're going to add the xMarker Heading. This is going to go in the center of your settlement.
Under your objects window. Go to Filter and type in 'XMarkerHeading' you need the 'xMarkerHeading' which can be found under the 'WorldObjects' branch.
Edit it and name it something similar to our Settlementname.

XMarker Heading for Out Of Sight
Now we're going to add an out of sight marker. This is going to go elsewhere in your cell or out of your cell. Just make sure it's not inside your triggers.
Under your objects window. Go to Filter and type in 'XMarkerHeading' you need the 'xMarkerHeading' which can be found under the 'WorldObjects' branch.

Then we're going to edit it. Simply add a reference name to it. 'XMarkerHeadingOutOfSight'

XMarker Heading for Spawns
Under your objects window. Go to Filter and type in 'XMarkerHeading' you need the 'xMarkerHeading' which can be found under the 'WorldObjects' branch.
Drag / Drop somewhere in the center of your cell.

Edit it and add a reference name of 'XMarkerHeadingWorkshopLinkSpawn'

Adding the Workbench
At this point of the tutorial we hook everything up. We're going to have lines going everywhere so try to follow this exactly.
Under your objects window. Go to Filter and type in 'WorkshopWorkbench' you need the 'WorkshopWorkbench' which can be found under the 'WorldObjects' branch.

Drop the bench wherever you'd like it placed.
Edit it. Navigate to the LinkedRef tab. We're going to add a lot of stuff so add each individual reference based on the images below:
Center XMarker:

Spawn XMarker:

Container Marker:


Here's how our LinkedRef tab should look:

Go ahead and press okay. Now select the border you placed earlier. This is the one that really doesn't matter too much but we need to add a reference to it.
Edit it, and add a reference to the WorkshopWorkbench
And add the keyword of 'WorkshopLinkBuildAreaEdge'

Press okay and then go to the WorkshopSetOwnedTrigger we made earlier.
If you forget which one it is, it's the one that's nearly the size of our actual building area.
Select that and add a blank reference to the WorkshopWorkbench.

Now we're going to select our map marker. We're going to add a reference to the 'XMarkerHeadingMySettlementName'

Go to our 'DefaultEmptyTrigger' we're going to add a reference to the WorkshopWorkbench. This is the object that covers our entire settlement. Edit it and add the following:

Now go to our OutOfSight marker we added. We're going to link it to our MarkerHeadingCenter. We're going to add the keyword 'WorkshopLinkAttackMarker'.

Now select our XMarkerHeadingWorkshopLinkSpawn marker. We're going to add a reference to the workbench.

So we just setup a ton of confusing references, let's go back to the workbench and add some properties to the script.

This is how your script properties should look:

Object Window Creations

Add all the following to your location setting:

Encounter Zone

Make a new one then add the following to the settings:

Quest Creation

Make a new quest. Add the following to the first panel:

Then navigate to Quest Stages: In the left-hand side add an index of 10. Then go to the right-hand side and add a new log entry.

Type 'MySettlementName Quest'

In the left-hand side add an index of 20. Then go to the right-hand side and add a new log entry.

Navigate to the 'Quest Aliases Tab'
Add a new reference collection alias. Right-Click -> New
Inside the Reference Alias Window. Name it Workshops.

Then go down to 'Match Conditions'

Add 'HasKeyword' to 'WorkshopKeyword'

Add 'LocationHasKeyword' to 'LocTypeWorkshopSettlement'

Add 'GetInCurrentLocation' to 'MySettlementNameLocation'

Now press Okay and go to the scripts tab.

We're going to add the 'WorkshopAddLocationScript'
Fill in the Property like the image below:

Press Okay and save your plugin. We're going to make another quest. This time we're going to duplicate the 'WorkshopInitializeLocation' quest.

Going to go over to the 'Quest Data' tab. Should be default open.
Check 'Run Once'. Set your Settlement Location to 'MySettlementNameLocation'

We're going to edit the cell we're currently in. As you can see the 'Wilderness' shows a Asterisk or a * next to it showing that we currently have it selected.
Edit it.

Add your Settlement Location to its location.

That's it! You're done. Test it out in-game and hope you didn't miss a step. :)